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Since 2019

About Us

TALENT SEARCH FOUNDATION TSF The major intention of this project is to search, awaken and promote the skills of talented youth to increase job opportunities in the nation Uganda.It was started in the early 2019 however its progress was challenged by the outbreak and disastrous effects of covid-19 pandemic disease all over the globe. Therefore, it should be observed that if it was not the interaction of corona virus, T.S.F would have already gone viral than today. TSF project tries its level best to promote the skills and talents of the youth that have been discovered because the founder noted that if every person discovers talent at a right time, it helps to make use of it thus profiting him/her career. Then C.E.O decided to promote talents of the youth initially from Uganda purposely for creation of more job opportunities in the whole world hence starting Talent search foundation officially on 1st.03.2019

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